Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Number 5

Usually when people ask me what my favorite movie is, I decry the question as impossible and annoying. However, I do enjoy keeping a rotating list of five movies that, at a given point in my life, could be described as favorites. I don't list them in any order. They're just five favorites.

Recently I rediscovered the graduate. (It should be noted, I mentioned this to someone and they said, "You just discovered the Graduate!? Goodness, Senator.") No. The operative word being "REdiscovered." As in I own the movie, knew it was great, but at no point in my life prior to my most recent viewing had I understood it to be so sublime a masterpiece. At this point in my life, it is perfection. And so I stuck it into my top five.

However, upon reexamination of my five, I decided to remove a couple films. Putting me at four with an open spot needing to be filled.

The current four are:

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Punch Drunk Love
The Squid and the Whale
The Graduate

The two now reside in a certain state of ambiguous limbo:
(These movies are still in the running, but have weakened, at least temporarily, from the top five postion)

Amelie -
Obviously, I love this movie. For years it held the coveted top five spot. But I fear that I may be over it. Perhaps it's time to put something else in its place.

Me and You and Everyone We Know -
a film quite unlike any I have ever seen. Bursting with sweetness and pure unfiltered emotion. But when it comes down to it, I don't know that it's a strong enough film to be in such a coveted position.

Other movies in the running:

I'm Not There
Children of Men
The Royal Tenenbaums
Fight Club
Good Will Hunting
Man Bites Dog
Movern Callar

But I'm not yet sold on any of these so I'm asking for your help in picking a fifth. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I'm looking forward to filling that number 5 spot.



maggie in america said...

hmmm I'd narrow it down to "The Royal Tanenbaums," "Children of Men" or "Man Bites Dog." Clearly I'm not any better at making these decisions...

Darby said...

the emperor's new groove

Senator Murphy said...

OK, that's just silly. This is no place for silliness. Only serious comments allowed here. This isn't Congress, people. This is the internet. There shall be no silliness here.

Pop Doyle said...

The Emperor's New Groove

Pop Doyle said...

oh shoot. I just saw that that was already suggested.

I got nothin.

Darby said...

that, or Stella Got Her Groove Back

Senator Murphy said...

Um, it's actually HOW Stella Got Her Groove Back.

And that's ridiculous. That movie implies that Taye Diggs had something to do with it, when we all know it was a little visit from the Senator that's been keeping her grooving ever since.