Thursday, July 5, 2007

Keith Olbermann Special Comment 7/3/07

I'm posting this because it is a brilliantly written speech that deserves to be heard. I was stunned when happened upon this in my hotel room a few nights ago and found myself cheering aloud at what is semantically rhetorical, yet devastatingly honest and honestly passionate. If only we had more people like Mr. Olbermann, with the integrity and the balls to say what needs to be said on a national stage - that Bush and Cheney have subverted the law for too long and must be removed from office via impeachment or resignation - then there might be hope to salvage this last year. Sadly, neither will happen. But thank you, Mr. Olbermann, for your poignant rage.

Yes, The Static is slowly becoming more political. I'm sorry. I can't help it. My name, after all, is Senator Murphy.