Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sign of the Apocalypse, or Why Does the World Have to Suck so Fucking Much

I know I said I'd get you my movie run down "tomorrow" almost a week ago. My apologies. I'll get to it as soon as I can.

But I wanted to take this time to mention an outright travesty on the radio airwaves, not just for Los Angeles, but for the entire country as it is most certainly a harbinger of things to come:

Indie 103.1, the lone voice of the indie music world, nay, the relevant music world in Los Angeles was taken off the airwaves today, to be continued in some form on the internet at

Via their website, they left us what is essentially a suicide note:
Indie 103.1 will cease broadcasting over this frequency effective immediately. Because of changes in the radio industry and the way radio audiences are measured, stations in this market are being forced to play too much Britney, Puffy and alternative music that is neither new nor cutting edge. Due to these challenges, Indie 103.1 was recently faced with only one option --- to play the corporate radio game.

We have decided not to play that game any longer. Rather than changing the sound, spirit, and soul of what has made Indie 103.1 great Indie 103.1 will bid farewell to the terrestrial airwaves and take an alternative course.
This could only be done on the Internet, a place where rules do not apply and where new music thrives; be it grunge, punk, or alternative - simply put, only the best music.

For those of you with a computer at home or at work, log on to and listen to the new Indie 103.1 - which is really the old Indie 103.1, not the version of Indie 103.1 we are removing from the broadcast airwaves.

I don't really listen to the radio, but that hardly seems the point. The Clear Channel hegemony is oppressive and suffocating, and the notion that every radio station needs play the same music to survive is disgusting and terrifying.

I'm just sickened by this all.

Bring on the Apocalypse.

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