Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill

Sorry to get political, here on the Static, but today, President (*barf) Bush vetoed a bill promoting embryonic stem cell research, supported by 70% of America, saying that the bill "disregards the sanctity of human life."

Since the start of the Iraq War, it is estimated that as many as 655,000+ people have died either directly or indirectly due to the war. This includes 3,466 American soldiers. That doesn't include the thousands of seriously, often permanently, injured men and women. As of May 29, 2007, the number of American soldiers wounded in action was 25,549.

Above is a picture of baby George W. Bush, about a year too late. Just imagine, if this embryo would have been used for stem cell research, it would have saved the lives of over 655,000 people, roughly the population of the Kingdom of Bhutan. Not to mention the lives saved by the actual results of the research.

This makes me sick. I am actually sick. The only life this man cares about begins at conception and ends at birth. That goes for his administration and a majority of the Republican legislature - they could still come to their senses and override Bush's veto. But who really sees that happening?


maggie in america said...

Yeah political post!! This administration is such a nightmare.

Darby said...

whenever i want to feel sick to my stomach, i read your blog.