Saturday, May 26, 2007


By the way. I also bought Fleetwood Mac's Rumours. I never really knew anything about the Mac, but God damn. This is some good shit. I mean, just about every song blows my hair back. Of course, Stevie Nicks takes the cake. All the songs are great, but Stevie's are incredible. Silver Springs, Dreams, and Gold Dust Woman are spectacular. I actually bought it because I was watching Freaks and Geeks, the best TV show of all time, and Lindsay and Kim were talking about Stevie Nicks being a witch. The next day I was in Amoeba and Rumours was staring me down. I just wanted to buy Boxer but Rumours kept staring at me, taunting me. Saying shit like, "You don't own me! Do you, motherfucker??? Buy me, buy me, buy me." And then it started making fun of my shoes, which I thought was uncalled for. So I did what I had to do to shut it up.

I think The Chain is the standout. It slightly beats Go Your Own Way, just because I'm all too familiar with the latter. Apparently they had written and recorded a song, but decided it needed a bridge. So they wrote and recorded the bridge and listened to the track, after which they decided the only part of the song they liked was the bridge. So they scrapped the track and turned the bridge into its own song. The only part of the original that remains is the ending.

You know, I had always kind of thought of Fleetwood Mac as being cheesy seventies soft rock, which I guess it is. But what does it say about me that I now like cheesy seventies soft rock? What have I become? I think LA is getting to my head.

Really, though. This stuff kicks ass. I'm a very big fan. You should all educate yourselves like I did. It's worth it.

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